When a person desires to realize God, it heralds the dawn of his pious Sanskaras. One is always very keen to know how and from where one should start the spiritual discipline. The stronger the desire, the earlier is the realization of the aim. A know-how regarding the yogic practices for the nec-initiate are being given here:-
One should know about the Manas, the wilfull control and to keep the intellect in awakened consciousness so that the sadhaka is not engulfed in evil thoughts etc. Manas 'intellect and chitta' are inter-related. Manas controls the intellect which in twin exercises the control over the chitta. The modifications of the chitta depend on the state of the Manas at peace or without peace. The chitta contemplates and the object of contemplation is the one about which the Manas thinks. This is only possible when the sadhaka tries hard and experiences a feeling full of love and affection for its aim. This love calms down the modifications of chitta and in the end leaves his body according to his own will.
Manas originates from the element air. It is therefore unquiet like air, omnipotent, the one who feels happiness and gloom, is active and is affected by Sanskaras. It has no impurity as such for it is attracted again and again towards the desired object. It is in fact in pursuit of peace. A Manas dis-satisfied by physical pleasures starts feeling peace with the ecstacy of spiritualism. It cannot be controlled easily but gradually with perception of peace it starts becoming quiet. The practices in fact bear fruits only when the Manas is quietened. The divine visions of Antaha Karana and divine grace depend on the stability of Manas. The main aim of Yoga Sanskara is the control of Manas and the ultimate aim is the attainment of BRAHMA.

The following practices lead to the control of the Manas. According to the teachings of the Master or as required any of the practice or practices can be followed.
1. Control by Knowledge : It is a slow process for the Sadhaka has to advance different logical arguments to make the Manas understand.
(A) By arousing consciousness in the sense organs and not allow them to get engulfed in evil thought.
(B) By performing pious deeds and by exercising control over sense organs the instability of Manas decreases.
2. By Yoga : The practice of Yoga lends calmness to the unstable manas. Pure food, pure water, fresh air and pious company result in quick benefits.
(i) Perfection in the posture results in lessening the instability of manas.
(ii) By practicing the 'japa' of 'Ishta Mantra' at the fixed time the manas starts gathering stability during the moments of japa. One should listen to the sound of each alphabet of the Mantra.
(iii) By the japa of the Mantras of divine mother Kali, Gayatri or Bhairava or by the japa of seed mantras Kam, Bham, Ram, daily at least 1008 times.
(iv) The recitation of seed alphabets in ascending and descending order at least seven times during the process of holding the breath. It is a magnanimous
(v) To perform the japa of 'S'oham during breathing, It is a great yogic practice.
(vi) A) To hear the primordial sound in the right ear.
B) The primordial sound is realized by the japa of Ang, Nang, Hang, Dang seed alphabets.
C) Once the sound is realized at the union point of Ida, pingla and sushumna by the Tankore of the Prana air, direct It to enter the Mooladhara and after this even 'AUM' can be realized.
(vii) To awaken the light point in Antaha Karana by prana practices and concen trate the Manas on it. This practice of Manas can be done any where and any time.
(viii) By concentrating in Mooladhar
a) By concentrating on Moon.
b) By concentrating on Earth-the yellow colour.
c) By concentrating on lord Ganesh with four hands. It is situated in Mooladhara.
d) By performing japa of the seed alphabets sang, tang, rang, individually, one hears the sounds of sang, tang, pang or sang rang. Keep the eyes open during japa and do not hold the natural blinking of the eye lids. Sang means satvic light i.e. sun, Bung mens rajasik light of the moon i.e. half light and tang is the tamasic darkness.
(ix) a) By visualizing the tail, middle portion and the face of the Kundalini (the divine serpent) respectively in that order.
b) One should meditate on kundalini with the seed alphabets Tang on the tail and Rang on the middle portion and Sang on the face.
(x) By the practice of realization of smells, It is carried out in three ways :
a) To see the tip of the nose with the eyes and to stabilize the 'Manas'.
b) To centralize the meditation on the tip of the tongue during the practice of 'Nectar drinking' and visualize the tip of nose. Light is generated when the two udana and prana collide with each other.
c) To awaken the light point by prana practice and to visualize the nose tip and to have the bliss of Samadhi.
(xi) By Hatha Yoga Practices :
a) Never to think about controlling the Manas, allow it complete freedom. It has a tendency to be more stable in such states.
b) To allow the Manas full flights in the light of Antaha-Karana, if the light intensity lessens increase it and let the Manas gallop in it. It gets tired and becomes stable.
c) Having attained a divine vision, let the Manas be engrossed in it.
(xii) To concentrate on Manas Chakra.
(xiii) a) By having the diving vision of the Mother Hakini.
b) By meditating on its first face.
c) By performing japa of Hang, Kang, Ing, Nang, individually on Manas Chakra. This manas chakra lies asleep or awakened in the lap of Hakini mother just underneath her third face.
(xiv) By constant practice of Samadhi.
(xv) a) first visualize the Hang seed and after awakening or activating the subtle body one should go round AUM in Agnya Chakra.
b) the breathing should be natural during the above practices.
c) By performing the japa of the seed alphabets one attains the universal body. When one visualizes it, the Manas starts becoming stable.
(xvi) Collect all the sense organs on one point then pierce AUM by prana practice by subtle body. By doing this sex, anger, avarice, grend, pride etc. start quietening down. The practice must be done every day.

Aum Shantih Yogiraj the Master.