Practices under taken when the Chitta is stable are called Samadhi practices.
Classification of Samadhi
1) Tandra
2) Moorchcha
3) Ardha-Samadhi
4) Samadhi
5) Poorna Samadhi
Tandra : It is a yogic sleep state in which Manas, Prana, Heart etc. keep on functioning.
Moorchcha : Here the Manas and Prana become quiet.
Ardha-Samadhi : Prana, Sushumna, Sun etc. perform activities along with Tatwas. This is for a small span of time.
Samadhi : Antah-Prana is not stand-still. The phenomena of inhalation and exhalation may come to a halt.
Poorna ( Complete ) Samadhi : The breathing is normal, the Chitta is stable. The vision of AUM is persistent and the japa of AUM is continuous, Prana flow is uniform and all the modifications of Mind and attributes are in equipoise.

Rules for Samadhi :
The following are to be observed for Samadhi :-
1) Practices should be performed before sun rise.
2) The atmosphere should be pure.
3) Always face North during practices.
4) Obeisance should be paid to the Masters before the start of practice.
5) Complete knowledge of prana is essential and reverence paid to it repeatedly i. e. Prana lead to the perfection of Samadhi.
6) AUM should be meditated, visualized and japa of AUM carried out in Antah-Karana.
7) Complete knowledge of the subtle body.

Medicines helpful for Samadhi :
Food consumed daily gives rise to flatulence which is obstructive for Samadhi, hence before practising Samadhi the quantily of food consumed should be as less as possible. For non-depletion of energy the aspirant should use the following medicines :-
1) Ripe figs as much as one can eat, even one fig is very useful.
2) Seeds of Shyama Tulsi at least one Tola should be chewed and gulped with water.
3) Red or white Onga - Make a drink of it without sweetening it.
4) Make a Milk pudding of seeds of Poppy ( Poshta ) and eat it.
The figs and seeds of Shyam Tulsi are extremely beneficial.
The three states of Samadhi are :-
1) Visualization of the flame of Atma.
2) Visualization of the centre of the flame of Brahma.
3) Evolution of complete light from the upper part of the flame and to develop light on the nose and to merge it into the flame.
Visualization of the flame of Soul or "Brahma"
It is visible just as one enters the realms of Antah Karana. The Sadhaka should perform the following for the merger of the flame of the soul and the external light :-
i) Sit in the easy posture and perform the four practices for Antahkarana and activate the Brahma flame.
ii) Concentrate on the tip of the external flame and visualize it clearly.
iii) After seeing the external flame, close the eyes and merge the two flames.
iv) The merger of the two flames, clarifies the flame of Brahma still more. Specifically recognize the already described spots in the lower part of the flame.
v) Merge all the sense organs.
vi) Stabilize Manas, Intellect and Chita.

After the above practice the lower part becomes completely developed and the middle part becomes wider and more radiant. Perform the four practices of Antah Karana, this gives complete knowledge of Tankore and if nectar drinking process is being correctly done, a drop of nectar as soon as it drops, the light of the flame will become wider. This is termed as offerings ( Ahuti ) by nectar.

The radiance of the light appears spreading in Brahamanda. Sun, Moon, groups of stars, different chakras, Nadis, Psychic Centres, seed alphabets and Divine powers start manifesting in this light. In order to maintain this universal aspect of divine light one has to perform, nectar producing practices, light increasing practices and energy generating practices daily.
For the perfection of the flame of soul or Brahma it takes about 1 to 3 days. For the maintenance of brilliance in the flame, meditate on its middle portion. The perfection of Jyoti or flame bestows the Sadhaka the knowledge of the following :-
1) Storage control and direction of Prana.
2) Activation of the flame by Prana.
3) To effect unison of Manas, Intellect and Chita.
4) To have vision of AUM in the flame.
5) To have vision of Kundalini.
6) To unite all the flames of the Brahmanda into one.
7) To have vision of seed alphabets and Divinities.
8) To activate light flames at different places.
9) To activate sound of the seeds.
10) To merge the subtle body into the flame.
11) To offer the Ahuti or offerings of Prana.
12) To unite the Atma Tatwa with Brahma Tatwa.
13) To realize the manifest and the unmanifest.
If the aspirant has visualized the flame of Brahma completely he will automatically get the knowledge of above.
The perfection of Tankore practice causes the manifestation of the above.
The Samadhi practices should be performed as under :-

Tandra :
Sit in an easy posture and relax and breathe in and out with force through the mouth at least 20-21 times. The breath should not be held. Concentrate in the centre of the eye brows. Apply pressure on the navel and expand the abdomen fully and then contract with full force. The repetition of this process 3 to 7 times results in Tandra. The Sadhaka can fall down hence no solid object should be kept close. After some time the Sadhaka comes back to normal. One sees extremes of light and consciousness is lost and one gets the sensation as if Pranas have been dragged out of the body. This is called Tandra.

Moorchchha :
Exhale and inhale with full force and press the abdomen completely and Tandra starts developing , but the practice must be continued.
After some time when consciousness returns search in the memory as to what had happened in this period. One shall not be able to recollect any thing. This is Moorchchha. Keep some one close in attendance while doing the practice. If Pranas do not return then the attending person should make some sound in the Right ear. The pranas come back instantaneously. The experience of Tandra and Moorchchha are pleasant. The subtle body also becomes fearless. Other practices are also carried out because the external and internal prana do not merge into each other.

Ardha-Samadhi :
i) Sit in an easy posture and do the four practices and visualize AUM.
ii) Enter the Knot of AUM along with the subtle body.
iii) See the Black spot in the lower portion of the flame of Brahma.
iv) Give tankore with prana and the subtle body on the black spot.
v) With the disappearance of the Black spot universal light appears. The small dots of light, clusters of stars, Sun-Moon, Many Gods, Rudra, Warriors, Gods with Ferocious Faces, Gods with Saintly faces, Rishi and Munis doing Japa with rosaries, flowing water, high mountains, white mountains, flower gardens, birds, huge serpents, handsome Ganas Ganas riding respectively producing sounds and Rishis performing Yagnas and Yoga are seen.
vi) Collect pure prana and again give Tankore the above scenes will disappear and universal light shall now appear. Some times only Sun, Moon and Stars are visible and appear rising and setting. Their light radiates In all directions. This light is for the help and guidance of the subtle body. The subtle body becomes quiet on seeing this light and bows down to God Almighty again and again. Here only the sound of AUM is heard. The light of Sun, Moon & Stars is cool.
vii) The subtle body tries to merge in this cool light. The lights of the the Sun & Moon come close to the subtle body in form of circles and then recede. The subtle body merges into those activities of light and keeps on enjoying the bliss. At this stage it assumes the form a very fine shiny dot. It can be visible either moving about or stationed at one place. The Brahma Bindu has a fixed place in the flame of Brahma at the knot of the Agnya Chakra but this spot of the subtle body can be visible anywhere.
viii) Keep on drinking nectar and increase the store of Prana and enjoy the bliss of samadhi as long as you want.
ix) By regulating pressure on the eyes maintain the intensity of light.
A) By regulating pressure on the eyes maintain the intensity of light.
B) Recognize the three points of Ida, Pingla and Sushumna in Agnya Chakra.
C) Give Tankore on the end point of Sushumna and merge Ida and Pingla into it by Tankore. A great flood light appears. The three end points disappear in this light. Pale, Red and Green colours in patches or in particles can be seen in this light, give Tankore of Prana in these colours and search the subtle body in the green colour. The subtle body appears in absolute peace. It can be directed to any spot and the bliss enjoyed. If the black dot appears remember that the subtle body has disappeared hence repeat the practices of Prana.
Bydirecting the subtle body to the Ishta Deva or the Master one enjoys the bliss of half samadhi, for the subtle body is given directions for reaching at a particular place by following and searching it with inner eyes and visualize the subtle body and Ishta. This is devotional sentimental half Samadhi.

Half Samadhi :
1) Prana, subtle body and meditation are united together.
2) The store of prana is increased by Kumbhaka i.e. holding the breath which helps in increasing the light and the intensity of meditation.
3) If the light decreasing, or if the Manas becomes unstable the Prana practices are further repeated.
4) Once the practices are mastered the Sadhaka has not to interfere with Prana. Do not make efforts to control it. The Prana of its own accord becomes normal and minute.
5) When the prana becomes natural and normal the Sadhaka should do the japa of Soham and should try to combine this Japa with the sound of the breath. When the inhaling is done there is the sound 'So' and when it reaches the navel it is 'Ham' and when there is exhalation the sound of 'Mam' is heard. The sound of 'Mam' seed should also be listened to in Brahmanda. The concentration should be at the tip of the nose or in the centre of the eye brows. Try to merge the sound of Soham japa and breath with the automatic sound of soham in Brahmanda.
6) These practices should be carried out every day for at least 8 minutes. Pay repeated obeisance to the Masters and make all out efforts to keep your Antah Pranas pure. The purity of prana is responsible for the success of Samadhi practices.

Mastery over half Samadhi leads to success in Samadhi practices. During Samadhi the Sadhaka automatically gains the knowledge of the following:-
1) The knowledge of the form of the Master and his visualization.
2) The experience of one-ness of the soul with Brahma Tatwa.
3) By Samkalpa the yogin can attain the knowledge of any thing in the universe and complete realization of Thousand petal lotus along with seed alphabets.
4) Realization of the eternity of the self :
Genesis of Samadhi
Many Nadis come and meet at the navel from different parts of the body gathering prana from different parts. From here the prana travels upwards via Ida, Pingla and Sushumna to Brahmands. This effects the merger of the prana of the being with prana of Brahmanda. Thus their complete merger gives genesis to Samadhi. The navel centre is the point of genesis of Samadhi.
When the prana travels towards Brahmanda from navel the intensity of light increases. Thus the light on centres 1,2,3 is less as compared to Brahmands. The main aim of Samadhi is to maintain constant light in the Brahmanda.
The Gateway to Samadhi :
The magnifitient central spot of the hexagon, the opening of Brahma Nadi is the gateway of Samadhi. The Hexagon is made up of Ida, Pingla and Sushumna, Air Sphere, water sphere and the sphere of Fire. It is described in details in the chapter on activation of Nadis.
1) First define the Hexagon by practices already described.
2) After performing the four practices of Antha-karana give the Tankore on the opening of the Brahma Nadi.
3) Direct the subtle body into the intense light and stabilize the prana.
4) When the prana is stabilized, the subtle body Manas and Chita become stabilized automatically.
If the light radiations are so intense as to resemble the brilliance of many Suns then remember that the gateway to Samadhi has been obtained i.e. the Orifice of the BRAHMA NADI has opened up. Contemplate and visualize this light for many days.
Yantra for Yoga perfection
The subtle body visualizes the following Yantra in the state of Samadhi.

This yantra is being illuminated by many suns radiating in Brahmanda hence here the worship of Sun is of Prime importance. Pay obesciance to the suns repeatedly and visualize their positions. All the suns are reflecting on the central cardinal Bindu situated in the central triangle. Direct the pranas to this point and bid them to enter it. The process of Tankore helps them to enter it. All the seed alphabets, chakras and Dieties become one here and in this great effulgence some one or the other (either Chakra or Diety) becomes illuminated and activated. The intensity of light can be diminished or increased by pressure on the eye lids. It will be realized that vision is always more elear in light. Thus it is stressed that pressure must be applied on the lids and regulated from time to time. This process is also helped by the light of the Antah Sun and Moon, so that the scenes may be clearly visible.
When the Tankore of Prana is directed to the central cardinal Bindu of the central Triangle of the yoga yantra then the movement of the Prana becomes still more subtle and by coming in touch with different chakras, Suns and Moons it becomes universal. The subtle body experience a sense of universalism and visualizes every thing under the control of its own prana.
The subtle body visualizes many places and keeps on enjoying them. This is the bliss of Samadhi. It has the vision of many rivers, ponds, mountains, gardens, animals and birds. It gets into the practice of moving from one place to another in a moment. At this time rays from the central point of the thousand petalled lotus get activated and illuminate the subtle body and attract it towards themselves.
It catches these rays and follows them and visualizes his Master i.e. Lord Shiva himself.
The visualization of Shiva and Shakti :-
Shiva and Shakti are visualized in the State of Samadhi. They are the Masters, The subtle body knowingly and unknowingly keeps on searching them in Brahmanda. The Master tests his disciple and when he is convinced that the disciple is really in quest of divine knowledge, then he graces the disciple and manifests his form, such a disciple who has visualized his Master in this way becomes a yogi.
First Practice
1) Sit in an easy posture before sun rise and perform practices of the Antahkarna, nectar producing, energy increasing and light bestowing.
2) Contact the gateway to Samadhi and activate complete light.
3) Give directions to the subtle body to find out the highest peak in the range of the mountains and to reach there.
4) Perform the Japa of Sham, Sham, Sham, or Vam, Vam, Vam, Sham, Sham, Sham, or Shivoham Shivoham repeatedly.
5) Request for Master's grace.
6) Shiva in Samadhi will be visible. First of all the feet will be visible.
7) After many days practice flowing river Ganges, Trident, Damru and Nandia the OX will be visible.
8) Shiva-Parwati-Ganesh along with Nandia the OX and Lion comprise complete vision.
9) On an auspicious occasion one can also visualize many Rishis and Munis.
10) When complete vision is achieved the breath should not be held. It is allowed to move in the normal natural way. The vision can be had as long as desired. The instability of Manas results in cessation of this vision.
Second Practice :
Concentrate in the centre of eye brows while adopting an easy posture and perform all four practices of the Antah Karana.
Perform the japa of Sham, Sham, Sham, Sham, Sham, Sham, Sham, Ham repeatedly.
Do repeat
Clearly visualize the form of an elephant. It happens because of Sankalpa. Give Tankore by the above mantra on each part of the elephant.
Repeat this process many times then direct the subtle body for the vision of Lord Shiva. The effort for vision will be successful.
Third Practice
It is done in the standing posture. The two hands should be tied with ropes so that one does not fall. After the process is mastered it can be done even while lying down.
1) Throw out the Apana completely.
2) Apply pressure on the navel through prana by expanding the abdominal wall repeatedly.
3) The breathing should be long and deep and quick. It results in Samadhi like State.
4) Keep the concentration in Agnya Chakra.
5) The great effulgence arises and many seed alphabets, Shiva, Parwati and Ganesh and other deities are seen.

The Fourth Practice
i) Sit in an easy posture before sun rise and do the following.
ii) Perform all the four practices and activate the alphabets Ham and Ksham in Agnya Chakra.
iii) Give the Tankore of Prana in Ham and from here the subtle body after activation directly enters the Antahkarana and the Chitta becomes steady.
iv) Quickly direct the Pranas to follow the subtle body into Antah-Karana.
v) As soon as thunder and lightening are appreciated start a continuous japa of Ham Ham Ham. It is also called the roar of the Lion. The subtle body on hearing this roar proceeds to any place in Brahmanda and enjoys the bliss of Samadhi.
vi) Initially this Samadhi is for a few moments and the duration can be increased with practice gradually.

Fifth Practice
Do the practice in either Lotus posture or the posture of adepts.
1) Apply air pressure on the navel by expanding the abdominal wall again and again. Concentrate at the centre of the eye brows.
2) First Blue colour is visualized which turns into Green gradually.
3) Give the Tankore of Vam and Sham seed alphabets. One can perceive AUM or Swastika in it.
4) Shiva's vision is in the form of a Sadhu with Trident, Damru, illuminated by the rays of the sun.
5) During Kumbhaka ( holding of breath ) the flickering Sun and the Moon become visible and in between is Lord Shiva. He is clearly perceptible in the middle of the AUM. It is also visible sometimes like an eagle sitting on the hood of a snake.
6) Some time a dark or a blue point appears coming from the Right and remains perceptible-this is the gateway for BRAHMA-RANDHRA.

Sixth Practice
Sit anywhere in an easy posture in a peaceful atmosphere.
1) Perform the four practices of Antah Karana and increase the store of Prana.
2) Let Prana be established in any part of the body and direct the subtle body on to the spot.
3) Concentrate, stabilize the mind and enjoy the bliss of Samadhi.
If the store house of Prana gets depleted then repeat the practice again. Decrease in intensity of white light or Dark spots or clouds or waves indicate depletion of Prana.

Seventh Practice
It is done while lying over water.
1) While swimming over the surface of the water the Prana movements becomes controlled automatically. By keeping the abdominal wall expanded the Nadis, Ida, Pingla and Sushumna get activated and keep on receiving the Tankore of Prana.
2) By filling air in the chest the light in Agnya Chakra increases and this light one can have vision of many Gods.
3) Make the subtle body travel in this light and finally stabilize any where.
4) Activation of Agnya leads to a merger of Sat, Raj & Tam, modification which finally assume the form of one Rasa or humor.
5) Prana, subtle body, Brahma Tatwa and Atma Tatwa all unite into it and the Sadhaka enjoys the bliss of Samadhi.
Eighth Practice
Sit in an easy posture and throw out the impure air through the ears.
1) Perform all the four practices of Antah Karana and clearly hear the sounds. Hear the sound of AUM. The subtle body comes into the right ear and enjoys the Anad Sounds.
2) Once the Agnya is activated do not hold the breath any more and let it go on in natural way.
3) Perform japa of HREEM or HAM, Ram and EEM on the Knot of the Agnya Chakra.
4) By the Tankore of seed alphabets, vedic Mantras complete in parts or full become isible. Pure food, stable mind and completely peaceful place is essential.
Ninth Practice
Sit in an easy posture -
1) Activate light at the tip of the nose.
2) Do not blink but keep on looking at light.
3) Try to mix up the Sound of air going in and coming out with japa done by the yogi and the sounds generated in Brahmanda of Shivoham, Sohama or AUM.
Tenth Practice
Sit in an easy posture in dark where there is no sound.
1) Do the four practices and increase the intensity of light.
2) The dark spot in the knot of AUM is activated. Direct the Tankore on it by prana. Green, violet, red, and orange hues appear. By repeated Tankore of Prana all these colours unite to form the great white effulgence.
3) In this great intense light the subtle body along with its Pranas disappears but only the sound of AUM remains.
4) Increase the concentration and let the breathing go on with ease and enjoy the bliss of samadhi as long as you like.
Eleventh Practice
Perform it in an easy posture. It is done at night time.
1) Perform the four practices of Antankarana, activate the light and sound and drink nectar.
2) By japa of sham sham give Tankore on the tip of the nail bed of Right and left great toes.
3) If the toes start trembling or vibrating then the entry of the subtle body into Brahmanda is indicated and waves will be visible.
4) Recite sham seed alphabet by the subtle body and give Tankor. It will bring samadhi. One will not be conscious of happenings all around. When the quantity of Pranas become less consciousness shall be regained. For greater bliss the practice can be repeated.

Practices for 'Clear Visualization of BRAHMA-RANDHRA'
The Anatomy of the Randhra
The orifice through which the utmost minute Satvic Prana escape out or the body and merge into Brahma Prana for ever is called Brahma Randhra or Andha-Randhra. It is covered over by a shining slimy membrane which is further covered over by a net work of nerves. It can only be realized and recognized by Divine vision.
The anterior fontanella in an infant represent Brahama Randhra. The powerful pranas can exert a pull on this membrane and bring it to the knot of Agnya Chakra. It is impossible to realize it without the Master's grace. Lord Shiva is himself present in his Rudra form at this place. The deserving Sadhaka is helped by Raudra who points out the Brahma Randhra by his trident but if an undeserving person tries to realize it, the Lord Rudra presents him many gate ways and this confuses him. Thus the whole effort of the Sadhaka without the grace of the Master has no meaning. The Master is none else but Lord Shiva himself.

Here three orifices are visible. The real one is realized by the Master's grace.

To make a contact with the Randhra -
The following practices are helpful in attaining a contact with the Brahma Randhra.
1) The knowledge 0f the end points of Ida, Pingla and Sushumns.
2) Brahmanda practices of Udana and Prana.
3) To establish Prana anywhere in the Brahmanda.
4) Complete knowledge of Anahada sound.
5) Complete knowledge of the thousand petalled lotus and activation of seed sound by tankore.
6) To increase the intensity of light and maintain it always in Brahmanda.
7) The grace of Shiva-Parvati and Ganesh i. e. ( the grace of the Master )
Practice :
Sit in an easy posture and do the following :-
1) Perform the four practices of Antahakarana and close all orifices through which the air can escape and apply gentle pressure on the eye lids.
2) Direct the subtle body to Brahmanda.
3) Make the subtle body sit on the orifices of Brahma-Nadi and hear the sound of Aum and do its japa.
4) When the light is fully illuminated then let there be normal breathing and keep the subtle body steady on the opening of Brahma Nadi.
5) From the end point of Sushumna a Nadi proceeds towards Brahma-Randhra which some times shows brilliance.

When this Nadi shines a jerk is experienced in the neck region. Catch hold of this Nadi i. e. direct the subtle body to find out the end point of this Nadi. This point is BRAHMA-RANDHRA.

To clarify the Randhra
The practice of trataka is necessary for its clear visualization. There can be infinite light on a single point by Trataka. This Trataka on the end point of Brahma Nadi gives immense light and the above scenes are visble in that light. This is the kingdom of Shiva and Shakti. The Kundalini stops here and remains here in company of Shiva and Shakti.
Practice :
Sit in easy posture and do the following :-
1) perform the four Antah karana practices and collect a huge store of Pranas in Brahmanda.
2) Clarify the end point of Brahma Nadi.
3) Perform Trataka on the end point of Brahma Nadi by inner eyes ( Antah Netras ) and Divine eyes.
4) In the light so generated search for the hole in the slimy membrance.
5) Take a forceful inspiration and hold it. Give Tankore by Pranas and touch the Brahma-Randhra.
6) On touching many colours become visible, and the net work of nerves covering it becomes clear.
7) By touching with the subtle body it appears very slimy and shining.
It is difficult to stay here for more than a moment.
If the whole picture is vivid it indicates that the grace of Shiva and Shakti i. e. (Master ) has been received and you have reached Brahma-Randhara.

To perforate the Brahma-Randhra
The yogi should practice Trataka more and more so that his vision remains steady. This practice is essentially of great benefit at the time of death. The following knowledge is essential:-
1) To contact all the places of the seed alphabets in the thousand petalled lotus and to activate them and hear them.
2) To activate the twelve petalled lotus situated above the thousand petalled lotus.
3) To visualize Brahma Randhra clearly.
4) To activate Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh and do the japa of Vam, Vam, Mam and then to activate AUM seed alphabets.
5) To recite repeatedly sham, Vam, Ham, seed alphabets and to give Tankore by Sham seed into the Brahma Randhra repeatedly.
These should be followed by the following practices :-
1) Perform the japa of seed alphabets sham, vam, ham repeatedly after clarifying them in Brahma Randhra and give tankore on the Randhra.
2) Breathe forcefnlly twentyone time and then slowly seven times and then again with force 21 times.
3) Trataka should be done on the Bindu of the Lid. The force of breathing increases the temperature in Brahmanda and the membrane melts. It should be kept in mind that the membrane cannot be broken. It only gives way after melting. Some fortunate one only be successful in this process.
4) Only fire remains on the opening of the Randhra. Hence in Yoga Fire is the last to be worshipped. The sun and moon clarify the Randhra by their rays and help the Sadhaka in identifying it. Thus by the help of Rays of Sun and Moon the Sadhaka clarifies the Randhra and offers his Prana as offerings into the fire. In fact when the Brahma Rundhra gets perforated the Pranas are automatically offered as offerings and the Yogi gets liberation. When the membrane melts the randhra is visible as shown below.

5) At this stage on the spots 1, 2, 3 & 4 the Yogi should worship the related deities. After this attempt should be made to enter the Brahma-Randhra and for this do the japa of the following Mantra of Seed alphabets.
Sun : Ham seed or Sooryam Shaswatamidam.
Moon : Sham seed or Chandram Shaswatachandray namah.
Fire : Ram seed or Agni Shaswata Agnaya namah.
All Devas : Am seed or Sarva Deva Devaya Namah.
Aumkar, Pranava, Poorna Brahma Sarva Devaya Namah.
Activation of Brahma-Randhra :
The membrane covering the Brahma Randhra melts away because of the heat generated by Yogi's Pranas and the gate way to Brahma Randhra opens. Scenes viewed after the worship of Sun, Moon, Fire and other deities are indicative of an active Brahma Randhra. These should be understood as follows :
When the sound of Am, Kam, Lam, Ram, Sham, and Ham merge into each other only the sound of Ham remains and finally the seed alphabet Ham is visible here. It is just above the place of Lord Shiva and is a clear proof of the activation of Brahma randhra.
Practice :
1) Do Pranayam in an easy posture. Perform all the four practices of Antah Karana and fill up the inside with Prana while reciting AUM.
2) Quickly visualize Am to Ham seed alphabets of the thousand petalled lotus.
3) Visualize Lord Shiva in the centre of the thousand petalled lotus and have the vision of Sham seed alphabet.
4) Ham is situated over Sham and now view it clearly.
5) The vision of Ham seed clarifies Am, Kam, Lang, Ram, Sham and Ham or one gets the vision of Kam, Lam, Ram, And Vam. The sound close to Shiva resembling Kalarava means this in fact.
6) This practice should not be done for more then three minutes, and one must keep in mind the place of Brahma Randhra for the last journey.
The auxillary orifices of Brahma Randhra : Randhra he can use navel as an alternate channel.
Proofs for the entry of a yogi into Brahma Randhra :-
When a yogi melts away the membrane covering the Brahma Randhra by the heat of his Prana and enters it, he has different experiences. The important ones are the following :-
1) Vision of intense light without any beginning and end.
2) Antah eyes or Divine eyes cannot be fixed for long on Brahma Randhra.
3) There is no divine form and neither there is any impure vibrations of Manas, intellect and Chita.
4) The subtle body does not move or become invisible.
5) Definite knowledge regarding manifest and un-manifest God.
6) Practical realization of the Divine power of God.
Atma Tatwa :
Atma or the Atma Tatwa is the sixth one apart from the five Tatwas. The subtle body when bears it and rests close to the heart is termed Jeevatma. It means that when complete light is with limits it is called Jeevatma and when it has no limits it is called 'ATMA'.
The form of the ATAMA :
It is an endless light without any colour or form and one cannot stay in it for a long time and its vision provides liberation from thoughts and the instability of the subtle body. An object whose vision or mere contact gives the knowledge of unmanifest and manifest, where no question arises and if at all any question arises then the answer to that question is also got automatically, such experience are only obtained when 'Atma' or 'Atam Tawa' is Perceived.
Please Keep in mind that :-
1) The idea of obtaining complete knowledge of Atma, Atma Tatwa or Brahma Randhra is to realize God.
2) The idea of melting the membrane and breaking it away does not mean the exit of Pranas out of the physical body. They leave the body at the fixed time.
3) In complete effulgence there is no distinction between manifest and unmanifest. Whatever is visible here it is in the unmanifest form and remains permeating in the endless effulgence.
This complete activated light is in contact with Brahma. It means that Atma Tatwa itself gets converted into the Brahma Tatwa. The meeting place of these tatwas is called the sphere of Shiva and Shakti.
The Domain of Shiva and Shakti :
The limitless effulgence which is nothing but absolute peace starts gradually becoming less and less and gets converted into such a light which cannot be compared. The nature of this effulgence can only be experienced by one's own self.
The place where the light of Atma merges into the light of Brahma is called the Domain of Shiva-Shakti. The manifest Shiva who rules the whole universe is Lord Shiva and the one who keeps this universe active is Shakti. Thus creation and control, are respectively known as Shakti and Shiva. They are realized in one form. Shiva cannot be separated from Sham, Sham, Sham, Sham and Ham is generated. The japa of this mantra helps in the realization of Shiva and Shakti.
Practice :
1) Sit in an easy posture and completely relex.
2) Do not comtemplate any manifest form of God and neither keep any form in front of the eyes.
3) Perform the four practices of Antah Karana and activate complete light and clearly demarcate the Randhra.
4) Breathing should be easy.
5) Dig into the great effulgence with meditation and visualize the subtle body. You will realize that the subtle body is not visible anywhere and neither there is any sound or colour in that light. Experience this light of the soul for many days.
6) Do the japa of Shiva Mantra. On attaining Shiva's vision give the Tankore of Sham seed on each part of Shiva's body including the Trident and Damru. The rays of light keep on emanating from the head. This is the Ganges and maximum visualization should be of Ganges. The great Bull 'nandia' sitting close by must be saluted. If Parwatiji is present in the vision, do search her lap. The child Ganesh is poised here. The lion stays close by. This completes the Shiva family. This family is to be meditated upon as long as one lives. This can also be visible in the form of Sham.
7) After the visualization of Shiva family the yogi can also have its vision through AUM. Concentrate only on the Moon and Sun Bindu of Ham seed otherwise the subtle body remains engulfed in the manifest form of Shiva and does not obtain the knowledge of the unmanifest.
8) The Sun and Moon dots disappear and only light remains. On observation you will discover that the flow of breath has become very minute. It appears as if there is no exhalation. This is the state of complete Samadhi, one can enjoy it as long as one likes.
Shiva is the main deity :
Do practices for yoga or for the control of nature etc. shiva is mainly worshipped. It can be understood as follows :-
The five tatwas unite for creation. These are joined by Brahma Tatwa and a being is produced. It is essential that the five should unite in fixed proportions and that they should not remain activated-otherwise nothing can be created e. g. the active fire element. Means high leaping flames and if any other element is mixed into it no creation is possible. The same is true of the other tatwas.
The work of mixing the tatwas in proportion and their control is effected by Shiva through Shakti. From time to time and according to the need this Shakti assume many forms and keeps Lord Shiva pleased. During Yoga when the Sadhaka first causes his prana to rise, then at least one of the 84 yoga points becomes activated. The Bindus are related to the Antah Karana and each other hence even the activation of one point, some part of the Prana, may be infinitismally small, reaches the Brahmanda. The Shiva Ganas inform Lord Shiva that the Sadhaka is practising. The 84 yogic points are in fact the 84 Shiva's Ganas.
In the gross body the element Earth is very important. This gives grossness to the body and the person is engulfed in activity, works etc. This is controlled by eleven Rudras. This control is effected by the particles of Prana. The eleven Rudras are busy actively effecting control at the navel. The eleven Rudras at the navel means that there is the union of eleven Nadis. It can be picturized as follows :-

If it is analyzed from another angle the conclusion will be Shiva i. e. Nature. Thus the Master who is present in every particle or his power is Shiva itself and none else, this is Truth. Shiva is known by many names e. g. Baba, Bhole, Nath, Aajnma ( never born ), Ajar ( Never old ) and Amar Briddha Purush ( The eternal old person ).
The sharp flow or flare up of tatwas is controlled by Lord Shiva. Thus Shiva is extremely powerful and quiet. Thus he cannot be disturbed by disturbances of any magnitude. He is always in samadhi. For the disciple he sends his particles through his Ganas. He is responsible for the liberation of the beings i. e. he protects from impurities. Thus Shiva is most venerable and is and the Master of Yoga. The protection from impurities is possible only by Samadhi. Thus the knowledge of complete Samadhi can be obtained by the grace of Lord Shiva.
Complete Samadhi :
To have complete Samadhi means to have no thoughts and no impurities and to get established in one's own form, these are also called ' Laya Practice ' and are of two types :-
1) External practices.
2) Internal practices.
External practices :
These are meant to generate complete light outside the body. When the internal and the external light are merged into another the yogi merges into his own form. It should be done in the following way :-
1. By a lamp flame :
(i) Keep a burning lamp flame in front and perform Trataka the its flame. Do not blink and do it as long as possible.
(ii) Breathing should be normal.
(iii) The flame disappears and there is nothing but light every where. The disapearance of the flame in the light signifies that practice has been done successfully.

2. By many lamp flames :
(i) Keep seven such flames in front separated by small distance and do Trataka on any of the flames.
(ii) After some time it will be observed that all the flames have united and become one and there is maximum light.
(iii) The flow of breath should be easy.
(iv) Activate light on the tip of the nose and fix it with your own vision. There will be light every where.
3. By Shadow person :
(i) Keep a lighted lamp at your back, your own shadow will be in front, see the head and neck of the shadow.
(ii) Let the breathing be normal and fix the place of vishuddhi Chakra in the neck. Do Trataka there.
(iii) Gradually the activated light spreads in the whole shadow. Later on this also disappears in the light.
4. By meditation on stars :
This is done on a dark night by lying straight in a relaxed posture. Practices Trataka on a star, after some time there will be light every where, and other stars disappear in that light.
5. By Meditation on Moon :
Do Trataka by lying down or practice the shadow person in a sitting posture. Once practised in sitting posture the shadow person can also be practised in the standing posture.
Internal Practices :
1) Practice Trataka on any inner ( Antah ) point. Do not hold the breath. There should be no obstruction to breathing. If external Trataka has been practiced the internal trataka becomes easy and quickly the body disappears in light.
2) By the mixed practices of Pranayama light can be generated in Antah Karana. Having developed complete light outside and inside the body, do the following practices complete samadhi.
i) Sit in an easy posture, pay obeisance to the Master and relax.
ii) Activate light on the nose tip and do Trataka on this point.
iii) Drink nectar.
iv) Breathing should be easy. Observe how far is the flow of breath. You will find it is reaching up to the navel and disappearing there.
v) Breathe through the mouth and do the japa of Sham seed at the Navel. The Prana ascends from the navel then do the japa of Vam at the root of the neck and touch the Brahmanda and do the japa of 'HAM' and when it goes out do the japa of Sham. This will form an order of Sham, Vam, Ham.
vi) Gradually increase the duration of this practice. Ten minutes per day is benefical.
vii) After full practice is achieved, merge Sham into Aam and Vam into Um and Ham into Mam. That means do the japa of these pairs. Thus mix Aum into Shivoham.
The success of this practice bestows complete Samadhi. Here you will experience how the body keeps on getting energy and what status the Manas and sense organs are every thing is quite. One is not conscious of body, and no experience of any sound, form or Deity is felt. This is the experience of Unmanifest BRAHMA. It is experienced only in complete Samadhi.
Brahma Tatwa :
1) It is that power of God who is activating all things, Devas, seeds, alphabets sound etc. and they are merging back into it.
2) The power of the attributes of any Tatwa and the capacity to experience it.
3) To continue life by prana and to get results by Karma automatically, free of any bondage eternal.
4) Experience or knowledge gained by practices or by analysis whatever is left as a conclusion.
5) Action done by various God forms, and their attaining the Unmanifest form.
6) Not connected to the impurities of body in any way and always in own state.
7) Creator of the five Tatwas but not engulfed in them.
8) Not related to any of the five elements. The fire cannot burn it, the water cannot decompose it and the air cannot dry it and the sword cannot cut it.
9) Always established in its own form, devoid of desires and sex distinction is the Brahma Tatwa i.e. God.

Aum Shantih Shantih Shantih
Yogi Raj The Master and Mother Gayatri.